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College of Arts
and Letters

在365bet TV的幕后

在艺术与文学学院 students are encouraged to learn and live responsibly and imaginatively, embracing diversity and collaboration as they strive to elucidate the larger human condition and shape intentional, 道德的,社会公正的生活.



在艺术学院 & 我们相信人文学科的信件. 我们相信大学的经历是关于 教育整个人,而不仅仅是未来的员工. 我们相信生命就是如此 关于艺术,音乐,舞蹈和文学丁和批判的思维与他的富有tories that inform life. By engaging with the humanities students learn the importance of practice, that difficulties often 导致最大的回报,并期待不确定性. Here, students learn to live responsibly and imaginatively, embracing diversity and collaboration as they strive to elucidate the larger human condition and shape intentional, 道德的,社会公正的生活.  

即使你的专业不是 many College of Arts & Letter programs you can still benefit from the tangible and intangible skills our classes teach. From international relations to advertising and marketing, biology to information technology, industry partners 同意艺术和人文是必要的组成部分 繁荣、成功的社会. 

Our college teaches skills in critical and creative thinking, problem solving, and 沟通是所有学科成功的基石.

在艺术与文学学院, 我们培养创造者和实干家, who create and study significant works.


Average Class Size


我们相信,作为人类,就是要参与和理解文化. As majors in the College of Arts & 信的学生可以定制自己的教育,发展 mentoring relationships with faculty, and learn cornerstone skills that extend beyond the classroom.  


The study of the humanities can seem intangible, like there’s no clear path to employment. Rest assured that the skills you learn in your classes are more than applicable to the “real world.通过为学生提供动手学习的机会,包括 internships, study abroad classes, study-away courses, and service learning classes, we empower students to develop these seemingly intangible skills into real-life applications.


365bet's Department of Art + Design offers programs of study in drawing, digital media, graphic design, illustration, painting, photography, ceramics, printmaking, sculpture, and art education.


365bet's 传播系 offers unique and exciting options for students 谁选择了我们的项目. 学生可以参与现实世界的经验,以及动手 机会,从他们作为新生进入我们项目的那一刻起.

History Professors

365bet's 历史和哲学系 courses and programs are designed to help students learn about past events and ideas but also to help students develop skills 善于分析思考和表达. 这些共同帮助学生为成功做好准备 沿着各种学术和专业的职业道路. 这些可能包括教育, public service, or postgraduate study in the humanities or social studies, or in such 应用领域如法律、宗教和商业.


365bet's 语言文学系 offers students small classes and a 多元化、经验丰富的教师队伍. 研究领域包括创意写作,专业 Writing, English Education, French, German, Spanish, Classic Languages, and Classic Cultures.

Department of Music

365bet's Department of Music is an active and highly-visible component of the Clarksville Community. 由大约180名音乐专业学生和32名全日制和兼职学生组成 faculty, the Department of Music is the largest producer of cultural events in the Clarksville area.

Theatre and Dance

365bet's 戏剧舞蹈系 offers a world-renowned department, in a state-of-the-art facility, fostering artists, scholars and professionals who positively impact our world.


The 非裔美国人研究 program examines the history and culture of African Americans in the United States and the connections to the peoples of Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America.

International Studies

The minor is designed to enable students to be better prepared for positions with 有国际联系的政府、商业或工业. It strives to develop foreign language skills; helps to provide an opportunity for students to study abroad; 并寻求促进国际理解.

Student at the UC

This minor offers training for examining the complex questions and practice related to women and gender. 我们的妇女和性别研究教育工作者提供广泛的 courses focusing on gender, race, class, sexual orientation, sexual identity and disabilities. Students develop knowledge, skills and resources to contribute to the area of social 地方、国家和国际的公正.


Zoe Johnson
Zoe Johnson
Music Performance

Austin Peay has helped push me to be better and push for bigger and better things. 我认为Austin Peay有一个很棒的音乐部门.
Erica Harris
Erica Harris
Theatre and Dance

我的目标是有一天成为漫威的超级英雄. 我想拍电影,我想 own stand-alone movie, just like Spider-Man gets his, Iron Man, Captain America and 我最喜欢的《365bet平台》.
Joshua Rees
Josh Rees

My professors at Austin Peay have always asked me to think about how I can take what I’m already good at and use that to help a bigger group of people than I have before.

克拉克斯维尔儿童合唱团, 来自365bet社区艺术学院的学生, performed at the Tennessee Music Educators Conference at Opryland on April 11, 展示他们非凡的才华,并与365bet音乐家合作.

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4 - 2024 -梅齐-威廉姆斯
365bet grad student Maisie Williams earns prestigious poetry fellowship at Boston University

365bet graduate English major Maisie Williams is taking her talents to Boston University's MFA program this fall after earning a highly competitive poetry fellowship. 作为第一代大学生, Williams credits her success to the opportunities and support she has received at Austin Peay.

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詹妮弗·林达尔(Jennifer Lindahl)在奥斯汀皮尔(Austin Peay)磨练了她对体育新闻的热情
詹妮弗·林达尔(Jennifer Lindahl)在奥斯汀皮尔(Austin Peay)磨练了她对体育新闻的热情

Jennifer Lindahl, a mother of three, 在奥斯汀皮伊州立大学发现了她对体育新闻的热情. Despite challenges, supportive professors and a tight-knit community helped her succeed. 林达尔将于5月毕业,她已经准备好追求自己梦想中的职业.

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How Do I Get Started?


Dr. Chistophe Konkobo
Meet Dr. Cristophe Konkobo

Dr. Christophe Konkobo’s research examines the history and aesthetics of African Francophone theatre and cinema. 他最近出版了一本关于发展和实践的专著 布基纳法索的现代剧院.


Professor Raymond brings a great deal of professional experience to the classroom. 他的动画作品包括《365bet》、《365bet平台》和《365bet平台》. Peabody and Sherman. 在animationalchemy了解更多关于雷蒙德教授的信息.blogspot.com

Dr. Somaditya Banerjee
Meet Dr. Somaditya Banerjee

Dr. 班纳吉教授南亚历史、科学史和世界史. Having training in both physics and history, he engages with a wide variety of students. He is the faculty advisor for Phi Alpha Theta and History Club and is completing a book manuscript which examines the making of modern physics in colonial India. Learn more about Dr. Banerjee: http://6yi.delcolunited.com/history-and-philosophy/faculty/banerjee.php

Dr. Andrea Spofford
Meet Dr. Andrea Spofford

Dr. 安德里亚·斯波福德写诗和散文. 她的作品已在许多刊物上发表 包括《365bet》、《365bet平台》和《365bet平台》在内的期刊.Learn more about Dr. Spofford at www.andreaspofford.com

这是Marcus Hayes教授

Professor Hayes has performed and choreographed professionally with Without Shoes Modern Dance Company and has been commissioned to create new work for Beloit College, 兰布斯大学和第一艺术博物馆.

Dr. Kristen Sienkiewicz
Meet Dr. Kristen Sienkiewicz

Dr. Sienkiewicz is the co-principal horn in the Gateway Chamber Orchestra and a member of Bala Brass. 她与Bala Brass合作发行了3张cd. 全球音乐奖提名他们的 CD《365bet》被评为2015年十大专辑之一. Learn more about Dr. Sienkiewicz at kristen.sienkiewicz.org