

students doing cannon balls into foy poolWelcoming the 365bet and Clarksville Community!

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访问 & 价格:

Foy健身 & 娱乐中心 Members

Pool access is included in your Foy中心 membership!

这包括目前在365bet注册的学生,365bet教职员工, and paid members of the Foy健身 and 娱乐中心.  


访问 to the Foy中心 and Pool is included in your tuition. 学生将有 在支付本学期(春季、 夏季或秋季). 

注册秋季课程但未注册夏季课程的学生可能需要支付85美元的学费 夏季访问,包括整个福伊中心,健身课程和游泳池.

已注册秋季课程但未注册夏季课程的学生 只访问福伊游泳池,可以购买我们的折扣学生游泳池季票! 

  • 整个夏天——40美元
  • Summer I or II only - $20 each

2023 Pool Season Pass

Family Membership are available for the Foy池! Season Passes must be purchased at the front desk of the Foy中心. Season 通过es are valid from pool opening to closing date, approximately May-September. 

                  Members         Non-Members

1 person:      $60                     $70

2 people:      $110                   $130

3 people:      $150                   $180

4 people:      $190                   $230


Member pricing is the cost for additional people. Members include currently enrolled students, faculty/staff, and paid members of Foy健身 & 娱乐中心. 


我们很高兴今年夏天向公众开放,不需要会员资格!  Purchasing a day 通过 to the Foy健身 & 娱乐中心 grants you access to the entire facility, including the Pool, for the calendar day.

  • 一日通票- $8
  • 孩子5 & 低于-免费


  1. No running or rough-play.  
  2. No extended breath-holding underwater.
  3. Feet-first forward entry only; diving is not permitted.
  4. No hanging on ropes or rails.
  5. 适当的泳装是需要考虑到大学的设置. 内衣 are not appropriate swim attire. 
  6. Glass containers are not permitted inside the pool gates.
  7. Food and drink limited to pool deck only.
  8. No alcoholic beverages or smoking/vaping. In accordance with university policy, smoking/vaping is allowed in designated areas only while on campus.
  9. No excessive public displays of affection or use of profanity.
  10. 在顾客获准入水之前,必须有一名救生员站岗.
  11. During peak hours, pool patrons must share lanes. up to 2 people per lane.
  12. 腋窝低于浅水区的非游泳者必须穿救生衣 绳子,除非在父母或监护人的附近,或者已经通过 福伊游泳测验. 
    1. 任何穿着救生衣的人都被认为不会游泳,必须呆在浅水区 area within immediate vicinity of an adult.
  13. Children, who are not toilet trained, must wear swim diapers. Diapers must be changed in locker rooms.
  14. 如遇恶劣天气,泳池将会清理约30分钟 (lightning, thunder, tornado/thunderstorm warnings, etc.) or until weather clears.
  15. Lifeguards have final say in all matters. 


    1. 18岁以上的家长/监护人必须与儿童或以下人士留在福伊游泳池 16 at all times, including during 游泳课.
    2. 16岁 & 17
      1. 能够购买会员或日卡,允许进入设施的所有区域 including the Foy池 and Foy中心.
      2. 家长或监护人必须在购买会籍或会员卡时签署免责声明 before each day 通过 is purchased.
    3. 12岁及以下的儿童必须在任何时候都在成年人的直接附近 除非孩子已通过福伊游泳测试并佩戴福伊腕带.
    4. 5岁及以下儿童在父母或监护人陪同下可免费进入本设施 《365bet平台》.

请注意:欢迎团体及私人游泳课程参加者到户外游泳 他们的游泳课,在我们开放的游泳时间,与购买一天或一季 通过. 

预订 & 租赁

Want to have a party or private event at the Foy池?  We would love to have you!  目前,由于我们的空间和众多的请求,预订请求需要 提交 提前4周 以确保我们可以为您的活动配备人员,并有游泳池空间容纳您的团队.  请记住,请求并不保证您的预订将被批准.  大学娱乐工作人员将与您联系以批准并最终确定 your reservation once it has been approved. If you have any questions, please contact us and we would be happy to assist you!

Reserve or Rent the Foy池

 奥斯汀·皮伊很自豪地为美国红十字会团体提供游泳课程 our widely popular private or semi-private swim lessons. For more information on all of our lesson programs, please visit the 游泳课 页面. 

2024信息 & Registration Coming Soon!


Pool 历史/Overview 

福伊健身 & 娱乐中心 Pool, made possible through the generous support 约翰·福伊(365bet校友,1964届),于2008年5月12日正式开幕 dedicated in a special ceremony on Aug. 那年26岁. 这 outdoor pool is an exciting 除校园娱乐设施外,是季节性开放,视天气而定. 有了供暖系统,福伊游泳池通常在4月中旬到10月初开放. 有4条游泳泳道,并有一根绳子将浅水和深水分开 泳池的尽头. The pool depth ranges from 3'6" to 6 feet, therefore diving is prohibited.


所有12岁及以下的游泳者,或福伊救生员或工作人员认为不能游泳的人 要在深水区安全游泳,必须通过游泳测试才能下水 深度超过4英尺6英寸(浮标线指定)或没有成人监督.

游泳测试包括25码的游泳,在此期间,年轻人被要求达到 以下几点:

  1. 跳入泳池,完全浸入水中,回到水面,立即开始游泳 without pushing off the wall.
  2. 游到深水区,使用前爬泳或蛙泳,不停止和头部 staying above water for at least ¾ of the test. 
  3. Tread or float for 30 seconds
  4. Exit the pool without using the ladder.

没有通过游泳测试的游泳者必须呆在游泳池的浅水区 within the immediate vicinity of an adult.


非常年轻或没有经验的游泳者必须呆在附近 如果他们没有佩戴海岸警卫队批准的个人漂浮物,那么他们在水中的成年人 设备.*

*海岸警卫队批准的个人救生衣可供顾客使用. 请 aquatic staff for assistance in fitting children.

Policies are posted near the entrance to the Foy池. Please review all policies 到达. 


  1. No running or rough-play.  
  2. No extended breath-holding underwater.
  3. Feet-first forward entry only; diving is not permitted.
  4. No hanging on ropes or rails.
  5. 适当的泳装是需要考虑到大学的设置. 内衣 are not appropriate swim attire. 
  6. Glass containers are not permitted inside the pool gates.
  7. Food and drink limited to pool deck only.
  8. No alcoholic beverages or smoking/vaping. In accordance with university policy, smoking/vaping is allowed in designated areas only while on campus.
  9. No excessive public displays of affection or use of profanity.
  10. 在顾客获准入水之前,必须有一名救生员站岗.
  11. During peak hours, pool patrons must share lanes. up to 2 people per lane.
  12. 腋窝低于浅水区的非游泳者必须穿救生衣 绳子,除非在父母或监护人的附近,或者已经通过 福伊游泳测验. 
    1. 任何穿着救生衣的人都被认为不会游泳,必须呆在浅水区 area within immediate vicinity of an adult.
  13. Children, who are not toilet trained, must wear swim diapers. Diapers must be changed in locker rooms.
  14. 如遇恶劣天气,泳池将会清理约30分钟 (lightning, thunder, tornado/thunderstorm warnings, etc.) or until weather clears.
  15. Lifeguards have final say in all matters. 


    1. 18岁以上的家长/监护人必须与儿童或以下人士留在福伊游泳池 16 at all times, including during 游泳课.
    2. 16岁 & 17
      1. 能够购买会员或日卡,允许进入设施的所有区域 including the Foy池 and Foy中心.
      2. 家长或监护人必须在购买会籍或会员卡时签署免责声明 before each day 通过 is purchased.
    3. 12岁及以下的儿童必须在任何时候都在成年人的直接附近 除非孩子已通过福伊游泳测试并佩戴福伊腕带.
    4. 5岁及以下儿童在父母或监护人陪同下可免费进入本设施 《365bet平台》.

Season 通过es must be purchased at the front desk of the Foy中心. 

If this is your first time purchasing a day 通过, coming to the Foy, or 用现金支付, 天通过es must be purchased at the front desk of the Foy中心. 

对于那些之前已经获得日票的人,可以在福伊游泳池购买 using credit cards only. Cash payments are only accepted at the front desk of the Foy中心. 

  1. 娱乐.阿卜苏.edu
  2. Click "Sign In" in the top right corner
    1. 如果您是365bet会员,并拥有一站式证书,请点击“365bet登录”。
    2. 如果您之前已经创建了帐户,请使用您创建的登录信息.
    3. 如果您之前没有创建帐户,请单击对话框底部的“注册” 盒子. 
  3. Once you are logged in, click on the 水上运动 icon at the bottom
    1. 任何可用的游泳课程或项目注册将被列出.
    2. 确保左侧的学期设置为“Summer 2024”。
  4. Choose the appropriate level and session you want.**

**如果您正在注册您的孩子,请确保他们已添加到您的个人资料中 as a dependent before registering. During the registration process, you can choose who from your family you are signing up. Contact Jasin Wills, willse@阿卜苏.edu, with any registration issues. 


Adaptive Recreation Opportunities

每个人都应该能够参加体育和娱乐活动.  这 是通过改变传统的运动、项目和健身来完成的吗 允许参与者和运动员与他们的非残疾人一起训练和比赛的训练 同行. 

我们引入适应性娱乐项目的目标是提高人们的意识并提供 特殊人群无论如何都有机会进行身体活动 残疾的. 

Our aquatics programs incorporate: