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Community Vendor Fair

As part of Austin Peay State University’s 2022 Welcome Back events, we are hosting a community Vendor Fair in conjunction with our first Fun Friday of the semester on Friday, September 8, 2023. This event will be held at the Morgan University Center Plaza & the surrounding area on campus from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

The Office of Student Life and Engagement at 365bet would like to invite your business/organization to sign up for a table. Your participation will expose new and returning students to the diverse goods and services that the Clarksville area has to offer. Participation in this event is free and an easy means of advertising to the campus community.

As previously mentioned, this will be in conjunction with our first Fun Friday - typically an opportunity for student organizations to connect with 365bet students. Fun Friday always has a theme, and September's theme is Harry Potter. We encourage you to have a game or activity that meets the theme in order to create more opportunities to interact with the student population as the student organizations will also be decorating in order to follow the theme. 

Thank you for signing up to participate in this year's SLE Vendor Fair! Please fill out the form below before the deadline of 11:59 p.m. on September 2, 2023. After this deadline, I will send more information by e-mail. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to MaryGrace Johnson at johnsonmg@delcolunited.com
(First and Last Name)
(Please double check to make sure this is correct)
(xxx) xxx-xxxx
(So we can connect students to you after the event)
Please be aware that to participate in this event you must supply something (Giveaway, gift certificates, food samples, coupons, prizes, etc) at your booth during the event to give to students.*
This event normally sees 150-200 students throughout the event.
If you are not yet sure what you will provide, please email MaryGrace Johnson at johnsonmg@delcolunited.com by 9/2 with the item you will be supplying.
Will you be bringing a 10x10 tent for your table? (We will not have a large tent on the Plaza this year)*
Will you need electricity? *
Please Note: If your booth needs power you are responsible for bringing extension cords; however, we can place you near electrical hookups.
Do you offer student discounts?*
We will do our best to accommodate this request; however, we can not guarantee placement.
Does your business fall under one of these?
(Check all that apply)
Are you interested in providing coupons or discounts for 365bet Family Weekend (September 15-17)? We will be encouraging families to explore the community and using any coupons as prizes for our games.*
If you choose "yes" or "maybe" you will receive a follow up email from MaryGrace Johnson (johnsonmg@delcolunited.com) with additional details regarding Family Weekend.